Library cards are obtainable at the Circulation Desk. You must be a resident of New Baden and at least 5 years old to be eligible for a free card. Non-residents may obtain a card for an annual fee of $56.00. Please bring a picture I.D. and one proof of residence (something with your current address on it).
Additional cards for family members may be added to non-resident registration for an additional $2.00 per card.
Lost cards will be replaced for a fee of $1.00.
The loan period is 2 weeks on books, books-on-tape, music tapes and instructional CD’s. Videos loan period is 1 week.
Reference material may not be checked out.
At the time of checkout, the borrower will be notified of the due date for each item. The borrower is responsible for meeting the due date.
Patrons may check out a total of 5 items.
The book drop is provided for the convenience of the patron when the library is closed. It is not a secure facility and is subject to vandalism. Although vandalism is not a common occurrence, the patron assumes the risk for putting books in the book drop. The book drop is checked by the librarian each day upon opening of the library and is not checked again until the next day. Do not use the book drop during normal library hours, as late fines may be assessed.
Another patron may put an item that is checked out on hold. When the item is checked in, it will be held for the first person on the hold list. Upon notification that the hold is ready, the first person on the hold list has one week to come in and get the item. After one week, the next person on the list will be notified. A patron may have five holds at a time. Items that have holds placed on them may not be renewed. When a hold is placed on an item that is checked out, the original borrower will be notified. For items on hold that are not returned by the due date, daily late fines will be accrued until the item is returned – up to $3.00. Hold late fines are strictly enforced. When the library is closed, use the book drop.
No Fine Policy
Overdue Items and Renewals: The library does not charge late fines. Patrons who have overdue items may not check out more materials until the overdue items are renewed or returned. Items owned by the library may be renewed twice unless they are more than seven (7) days overdue or are requested by another patron. Items from other libraries are subject to the owning library’s renewal limits.
Lost or Damaged Materials: The cost of replacement or repair of any lost or damaged materials will be the responsibility of the cardholder under whose name the materials were checked out. Patrons who have lost items on their account cannot check out additional items or use library computers until the items are returned or paid for. If a patron borrows and fails to return library materials with an aggregate value of $50 or more, the patron may be turned into collections or prosecution may be made under 720ILSC 5/16-1.
Library materials may be renewed by phone or in person. Items can be renewed up to 2 times, provided there is not another patron waiting for the item.
The Interlibrary loan service is the process of acquiring materials NOT held in the New Baden Public Library. In order to obtain a book or article, the patron must fill out a request form. This service is offered free of charge. It generally takes 3-7 days to get a book into our library. Materials that are rare, in fragile condition, in high use or non-circulating in most libraries take considerably longer and may be impossible to acquire. Most libraries do not offer rush service and most do not grant renewals.
• Copies – 20 cents per side copied (black and white) 35 cents per page color. No discounts will be made for using your own paper.
• Fax – Sending – $2.00 for up to 4 pages $3.00 pages 5-10, 20 cents per page after 10th page
• Fax – Receiving – $1.00 each page. New Baden Library assumes no responsibility of notification of the receipt of a fax for an individual. The fax will be held at the Library for one week and then discarded if not picked up. One effort to notify the individual of the arrival os the fax will be made.
• Replacement of lost library card – $1.00 first replacement – $5.00 each additional replacement
• Replacement of video case – $2.50 non-refundable
• Internet usage .60 per half hour or portion thereof
We welcome your donation of books and other library materials to the library. Although we will accept all donations, we cannot promise that all items donated will be put on our shelves. Materials which fall into the following categories generally will not be added to the library’s collection:
• Textbooks
• Magazines
• Incomplete multi-volume sets
• Material in poor condition
• Pamphlets
• Titles that the library already owns
The library reserves the right to utilize materials accepted in whatever way best benefits the library. Gifts may be added to the collection, sold with the proceeds to benefit the library, or donated to another institution.
The library staff is prohibited by law from appraising gifts for tax deduction purposes.
Patrons of the New Baden Public Library expect to have:
• A library environment free of disruptive activity
• Access to library materials or an ability to put them on hold as regulations allow
• Books, magazines, and newspapers that are complete and unmarked
• Surroundings free from food, beverages, and their resulting problems
A patron who engages in any activity which materially disrupts the use of Library facilities, collections or services by patrons or materially disrupts the ability of the Staff to perform it duties shall cease such activity immediately upon request by Library personnel. In such instances involving minors, identification will be requested and the incident may be reported to the parent or guardian.
If following the request, the patron fails or refuses to comply, or responds to the request in an abusive fashion, they will be required to leave the Library premises immediately for the balance of that calendar day. If they fail to leave, the police will be summoned.
Library personnel will record instances in which patrons are required to leave the Library in a ledger maintained by the Library for that purpose. Upon the 3rd recorded instance in which a patron is required to leave the Library premises within a 30 day period, the Director shall bar the patron from use of the Library premises for a period of thirty days. Parents or guardians of minors, if known will be notified in writing after the 2nd recorded instance in which a minor is required the leave the Library.
In the event a patron barred from the use of the Library attempts entry to the Library during any such period of exclusion, the police will be summoned and informed of the prior action.
Public access to the Internet is available to all users of the New Baden Public Library on selected computers. The Library is making the Internet available to the public as an information and educational resource in support of our role as the community’s information and lifelong learning center.
Consistent with our mission and the professional principles of public librarianship, the Internet Use Policy affirms the safeguarding of First Amendment rights, intellectual freedom, equity of access, confidentiality of information about users and their use of all library resources including electronic, and individual responsibility. The Library affirms the principles and user rights as delineated in the American Library Association’s “Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks: and Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights”
The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connections to the Internet. Not all the information available via the Internet is accurate, current, or complete. Users are encouraged to be good information consumers by evaluating the validity of information accessed via the Internet.
Users are cautioned that ideas, points of view, and images can be found on the Internet that are controversial, divergent, and/or inflammatory. The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses or sanctions the content or point of view of any of the information or commentary that may be found on the Internet.
The Internet offers access to a wealth of information that can be personally, professionally, and culturally enriching. Library staff have attempted to identify on the Library’s home page specific starting points for searches and links to sources on the Internet that are consistent with the Library’s mission and roles. However, because the Internet is a vast and unregulated information network, it also enables access to ideas, information, images, and commentary beyond the confines of the Library’s collection, mission, selection criteria, and collection development policies. Because of this and the fact that access points on the Internet can and do change often, rapidly, and unpredictably, the Library’s cannot protect individuals from information and images which they might find offensive or disturbing.
Since the Library computers on which the public can access the Internet are located in public areas, which must be shared by library users of all ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities, individuals are asked to consider this when accessing potentially controversial information and images. Library staff cannot consistently and effectively monitor the public’s use of the Internet. The Library, however, reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information and images which cause a disruption or are not appropriate for viewing in a public area.
Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files, and communication are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use and therefore should be considered public.
Parents or guardians are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Children who use the Internet unsupervised may be exposed to inappropriate or disturbing information and images. Written parental permission is required for minors (17 and under).
The following are recommended guidelines for parents and guardians to ensure that children have positive online experiences, whether at home or in the library.
• Use the Internet as a family. Join your children in Internet exploration.
• Explore the wide range of available information and tell your children about sites you consider inappropriate for them.
• Encourage children to use sites recommended in the Library’s website and counsel them to avoid sites you consider unsuitable.
• Provide guidelines for your children on the amount of time they spend online, just as for television viewing.
• Instruct children NEVER to give out personal information (name, address, password, telephone number, credit card number) online.
• Teach children to be good online consumers. As with print information, consider the source, date, and accuracy of online information.
To assist parents, the Library has available on-line the pamphlet “Child Safety on the Information Highway”, published by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which includes “Guidelines for Parents”. Parents are encouraged to review this information with their children. See our Links to Parental Guides to the Internet
All users of the Internet are expected to use this library resource in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided, and to follow all Internet-related rules, regulations, and procedures established for its use including, but not limited to, those of the Library.
Responsible, courteous use of the Internet includes:
• Recognizing that the Internet, like all of the Library’s information resources, must be shared and used in a manner that respects the rights of others and refrains from activity that prevents others from using it.
• Using the Library’s Internet resources for educational and informational purposes only.
• Refraining from using the Library’s Internet resources to conduct a business or commercial enterprise, or engage in a commercial activity such as distribution of advertising.
• Refraining from illegal or unethical use of the Internet.
• Respecting intellectual property rights by making only authorized copies of copyrighted, licensed, or otherwise controlled software or data residing on the Internet.
• Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; and by not seeking disallowed access to any computer system via the Internet.
• Refraining from damaging or altering the set-up of the equipment used to access the Internet at the Library.
• Refraining from damaging or altering software or data residing on the Internet.
• Refraining from the deliberate propagation of computer worms and viruses.
• Refraining from the transmission of threatening, harassing, or abusive language and images.
• Refraining from sending, accessing, or displaying offensive messages or pictures.
• Refraining from any interaction involving any “chat” or “talk” room.
• Time limit of one hour, if other patrons are waiting, must be observed.
• Internet access computers will be turned off 15 minutes before the close of the library.
Work done on library computers is not to be saved to the hard drive. Virus detecting software is provided on each public assess machine. Patrons may use their own floppy disks or purchase one for $1.00 at the desk.
Violation of the policies and regulations, which govern the use of the Library’s Internet resources, may result in suspension or loss of the privilege to use these resources. Illegal activity involving the Library’s Internet resources will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities.
Staff will assist library users in getting started on the Internet. Internet instruction classes will be offered as a need is determined. Please ask at the circulation desk for more details. Time permitting, the staff will try to answer specific questions about the Internet and offer suggestions for effective searching. Library staff can also provide information about Internet training opportunities and Internet books and manuals.
The Library is not able to offer e-mail accounts to Library users. Patrons may receive free email from online companies.
1. Where is the book drop located? It is located next to the front door of the library.
It is checked each during that the library is open. Bring any items being returned into the library during open hours, as any items deposited during the day will not be collected until the next day. Please do not deposit donations in the box. They can be left next to the box under the overhang, if they are in bags or boxes.
2. Can I return videos in the book drop. No, we prefer that you return videos inside the library.
Since the book drop is located outside, the extreme temperatures are not good for the videos. And it is not padded, so the materials could be damaged in the drop.
3. When does the Library Board meet and where?
The board meets the Third Monday of each month in the Library at 6:30 p.m.
4. How many items can I check out at a time?
Patrons may check out five items at one time.